BlueSense Support

1 Select the Bluetooth device to monitor
2 Adjust the sensitivity of detection when the signal attenuation is higher, this means that the device is far. You should place your device on a usual location and adjust this slider at a good location on the right, if the bar becomes yellow it's closer, if the slider is too on right, the device will be detected even if it is away.
3 Clear the Bluetooth device signal graphic.
4 Delay between device's checks (in seconds, min 5s). When you are closer to your Mac again, unless the device reconnects alone to the Mac, it will check the connection and try to reconnect. The ideal is not to set a value too high.
5 Application notifications (sonorous or visual)
6 Select your scripts here
7 This represents the attenuation of the Bluetooth signal, if your Bluetooth device is close to your Mac, this bar will decrease, if it moves away, this bar will increase (and the graph too). When she cuts the slider, the device is considered to be lost.
8 This icon represents the current state of your Bluetooth device. You can pause or start BlueSense by clicking on this icon or on the menu bar icon (with ALT).
Open the folder containing the scripts. Due to Apple security rules, the scripts have to go into this folder to work: ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.inspira.bluesense
2 You can select a new AppleScript script by clicking on the folder icon.
3 This script will be executed when your device is disconnected or its signal is low. The ideal is to delay a bit this script to avoid false positive.
4 The additional script is executed after BlueSense has lost connection with the device. Set the time in seconds after which BlueSense will execute this script. If you return before that this script is executed, execution will be aborted.

How to start BlueSense at boot time

Login Items

You have two possibility to start BlueSense at startup, the first and the more simple is to drop the application in your login items:  > System Preferences > Users & Groups > Your Username > Login Items


The second option is to start BlueSense with launchd by downloading a configuration file and installing it. This method has the advantage of ensuring that BlueSense is always running.
Download this file and copy it on your desktop: com.inspira.bluesense.plist

Make sure that BlueSense is installed in /Applications. Quit BlueSense, open a Terminal window and follow this instructions:

cd ~/Desktop
cp com.inspira.bluesense.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.inspira.bluesense.plist
# If the application doesn't start automatically:
launchctl start ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.inspira.bluesense.plist

Keyboard shortcuts

 + D Select a device
< > Adjust slider level
 + C Clear the Bluetooth signal graph
 + Q Exit the app
 + 1 Scripts Panel
 + 2 Settings

Hidden Settings

Sound Volume
Adjust alerts's sound effect volume

0.0 to 1.0
defaults write com.inspira.bluesense soundVolume -float 0.2
defaults delete com.inspira.bluesense soundVolume

Sound Output
Play Sound via the system Sound Effects Output (need restart)

true or false
defaults write com.inspira.bluesense soundThroughSystemSoundEffectsOutput -bool true

BlueSense Support Request
For any questions regarding BlueSense, send-me
an email at [protected email address] .